Danish-produced chocolate
For any occasion
Is there anything better than surprising someone dear to you with a tasty chocolate gift? Our skilled chocolatiers have curated an exclusive selection of natural chocolate in gift boxes. So, whatever the occasion, we have a tasty chocolate gift that fits.

For the Birthday Party
Create smiles and joy for the birthday celebrant with a premium chocolate gift that is sure to be well received.
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For the Wedding
Create an unforgettable celebration for the wedding couple with chocolate that celebrates love and spreads joy.
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For someone dear to you
We love just-because gifts. Those small thoughtful moments in everyday life where we remember to appreciate each other.
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For the hostess
Should the evening's host or hostess be pampered a little extra? Forget all about the flowers. Surprise them with a premium chocolate gift.
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For the anniversary party
Wish congratulations to the party's jubilee with a gift that will undoubtedly stand out among the many bouquets of flowers.
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For you and only you
Simply® Persian Perry, Simply® Cookie Joe, or Simply® Dark Marci? Treat yourself and enjoy your favorite chocolates. You deserve it!
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Add a personal postcard 💌
Make your chocolate gift extra personal with a message from you. Add a postcard at checkout, and we'll send it along with your gift.
Gift Guide

Cocoa Horizons
Smagen af god samvittighed
I Simply® er vi stolte af at være en del af NGO’en Cocoa Horizons, der arbejder målrettet på at forbedre livet for lokalsamfund i kakaoindustrien. Som chokoladeproducent anser vi det som en vigtig pligt at være sit ansvar bevidst og ikke mindst handle herefter. Men for os er det meget mere end en pligt. Vi føler os 100% overbeviste om, at smagen af god samvittighed er den bedste af alle varianter. Det falder os naturligt at producere chokolade med ansvar for både mennesker og natur. Det mener vi faktisk, man kan smage. Læs her om vores forpligtelse til ansvarlig kakaoproduktion her.